Saturday, October 17, 2009

Balloons ! Apples!
Babies and your smile
Things I love
Parks and sitting awhile

Parades! Presents!
Kittens and your laugh
Things I love
Fishing and the raft

Ice cream! Music!
Mountains and our talks
Things I love
Sunsets and morning walks

Cotton candy! Peanuts!
Myself and you
Things I love
Clowns and morning dew
Fears, monsters and insecurity diminish
Worms don't eat my soul and make me cry
Hatred, boogiemen and the past fade
Attics are all gone and spiders die.
Hello Susan
Where do you
Come from
I got here
From hell
Do you realize
The pain
Going back there
With feelings
I've blanked out
So much
I can see your face
Hear you wonderful laugh
And even smell your essence
That puts a smile on me
When I am lost and alone

When I'm in your space
The clowns' make-up gone
I open the windows and doors
You come into me slowly
Take my hand and give me love
Walls of fear
Built from utter terror
Slowly torn down
Left open in part
But rebuilt of golden
Blocks of pure love
Windows now, eyes to
See and guard
Doors of oak
To shut out the dark
Sandboxes are for playing
Little children laugh and cry
Build your castles big and strong
Before you grow old and you die

Trucks and dolls are for fantasies
Little children smile and sigh
Build your dreams while you can
Before your time comes and you die

Life and breath are for real
Little children work hard and try
Build yourself real strong and sure
Death is always stalking and you die

Allowing "TheRapist"

From across the room
You look so sure of yourself
But I know
I've been there
I sense your fears

My own self worth is low
I am so lost and alone
But you know
You have been here
You feel my pain

We know love and compassion
We know hurt and confusion
I'll trust you to touch my soul
May I touch you?